With Daily Greens, enjoy over 20 nutrient-rich greens and super fruits for a
healthy boost in a delicious berry-flavored drink. Greens is ideal for
those who don’t consume enough healthy fruits and vegetables. The
greens and reds are packed with key vitamins and minerals for a surge
of clean energy. Greens contains selected herbs and botanicals for
immune system support, plus key enzymes and prebiotic fiber for
healthy digestion.
- Organic
- Non GMO
- 2500 mg Greens Super Food
- 425 mg Super Reds
- 4 grams Prebiotic Fiber
- Sweetened with Stevia
- Loaded with Organic Ingredients
- B Vitamins for Natural Energy
- Potent Immune Support
- Mushroom and Cordyceps
- Enzyme Matrix for Digestion
- No Artificial Colors, Flavors or Sweeteners
- Delicious Berry Flavor
DIRECTIONS: Add one level scoop to 8oz or more of water, juice or smoothie.